Friday, October 10, 2008

Lucky enough

I got stung by a bee this afternoon at work. As you can see, I'm still blogging meaning I'm still alive and...don't worry mama & papa...I'm all right now...

The place I work usually surrounded by a lot of bees, grasshoppers etc...Simply because of the sweetness of the cotton candy & soda drinks...I have thought about getting sting but never bother to find out about the bee sting remedies as I thought I won't be that LUCKY.

And LUCKY enough I'm not allergic to bee sting...If I am, I should probably dead by now. Abigail ran around and informed all the supervisors and it took about 30 minutes for them to reach me. They took a good look at me...Oh ya...So which part of my body got stung? You guys must be wondering WHERE? WHERE? WHERE?

LUCKY enough, it's my NECK where the notti bee stung!

My supervisors were worried and after they took a look at my neck, they knew I'm not the allergic type, so...I'm all right. Penny applied some dirt and later on with ice to make the inflammation go down and for it to stop hurting me so badly...:(

Penny told me 2 years back she got stung by a bee too, her foot turned blue and she kept vomiting and she was hospitalized after that...She nearly die and that's why she said I'm lucky.

They asked me to take a good rest, and I asked Abigail to snap some photos for me...She really took it RANDOMLY...-.-

I was still smiling even though I'm in pain!
Supervisors then laughed at me, they gave me that kind of look saying that they BEH TAHAN...Under this kind of situation, why am I still bothering to take pictures? Because I wanna show you all mah...
This experience has taught me well that there are many more things in life which I must learn...You guys should learn too what to do after stung by a bee? There are 100 bee sting remedies (click) according to the website.

It does look SCARY, don't you agree?

Don't worry everyone, I'm all right now. Will be more careful and avoid bees especially during my cotton candy Friday...

Just take my advice:
BEWARE OF BEES! Learn how to cure BEE STING TOO!

p/s: Now I know that I'm not allergic to bees...Haha...

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